By Russ Klettke
There are two words, and only two words, that are the secret to managing your weight: Make dinner.
Here’s why: The Center for Science in the Public Interest – an objective, if not scoldy group of people who advocate for a healthier world – studied the nutritional content found at a representative sample of restaurants, not just fast food. They then compared that data to meals people make at home. They found that meals made outside the home, on average, have 55 percent more calories than those made at home.
How? It’s easier to make tasty food with fat and salt. In fact, without fat and salt most restaurants, takeouts and frozen meal manufacturers would go out of business. Example: five crispy chicken strips with a creamy sauce, large fries and a regular soda from your nearest burger house has 1700 calories. Any guy who exercises with intensity should eat about 2500-3000 calories per day (less if he’s trying to lose weight).
Note that meals made at home are not prepared meals found in a freezer case. They mean stuff you whip together yourself.
Crazy, you say? No time and no kitchen skills, you protest? Listen up. We’re not talking Julie Child gourmet meals. This is about respecting yourself and your bodyweight enough to make a healthy meal in about 15 minutes. You can listen to music and down a cold beverage while doing it.
Following are three healthy, balanced dinners that use ingredients that store well: frozen, canned and dried goods. You can stock up a few months’ worth and eat them whenever you want. No need to run to the grocery store three times a week.
By the way, these meals are 500-800 calories and packed with quality nutrition and fiber. Substitute these for three dinners eaten out each week and you’ll lose weight within one month.
Spicy meat stew
• Canned, cooked roast beef (12-16 ounces)
• 2 cups of water (substitute with one cup of soup stock if you have any)
• Frozen vegetables (fresh is ok too)
• Gardinera (spicy pickled vegetables; they come in large jars at warehouse stores)
• Canned beans (Garbanzo, black and pinto beans all work)
• Taste options: oregano, bay leaf, basil, turmeric
Directions: Mix all ingredients in a small soup pot, use medium heat for 5-10 minutes.
Chicken, broccoli and sweet potato
• 1-2 slices frozen chicken breast (boneless, skinless)
• 1 4-portion packet of frozen broccoli
• 1 medium sized sweet potato
• Olive oil, lemon juice and a tiny bit of butter (1-2 pats)
• Salt and dry chilis to taste
Directions: In a microwavable bowl, mix a small amount of oil, lemon juice, chilis and salt with the frozen chicken. Cover and microwave, about seven minutes per breast, turning the chicken over midway through. Add frozen broccoli on top the chicken and microwave another two minutes, then leave covered for about five minutes. Wash but do not peel the sweet potato; as the chicken and broccoli are cooking, slice the potato into cubes, mix with oil and lemon and stir fry on the stove.
Bean-egg salad
• 2-3 hardboiled eggs, chopped/diced
• 1 can black beans
• 1 green apple, chopped
• 1 cup of frozen corn
• Olive oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, Tabasco sauce and oregano to taste
Directions: Throw everything together in a bowl and eat. OK with rice, or on bread for a great messy sandwich.