Razor “burn” is perhaps the most annoying aspect of a man’s daily grooming ritual, and possibly the leading cause for men to go barbarian whenever social circumstance allows. Red, irritated, bumpy skin-accompanied by ingrown hairs-is a situation unpleasant to view as well as experience on your grill! Fortunately there are ways to minimize or eradicate the almost allergic response of our face meeting the blade each morning.
The first thing to remember are the essential steps to a proper shave: 1) Cleanse, 2) Apply pre-shave oil, 3) Apply shave cream,4) 1st pass of the blade going with the direction of hair growth,5) Re-lather and make 2nd pass of the blade,6) Rinse with cool water, 7) Apply after care. Simply slapping any drug or grocery store aerosol shaving cream on dry skin and weed whacking away with a dull, old blade is not going to result in a smooth finish! When it comes to the razor, keep it clean and sharp! Remember, also, that aerosol creams have propellant chemicals associated with them that may well irritate your skin…consider your shave cream wisely. Taking the time to do a shave properly, every time, will condition your skin to a much more satisfying finish.
It’s also important how we treat our skin before and after shaving. A nice steamy, but not scalding shower beforehand will soften the beard and open your pores for your pre-shave preparation. Equally important is your aftershave care. A lot of moisture is removed when you shave. If you don’t use a good moisturizer, your skin won’t be back to normal by the time you want to shave again in the morning.
Following these simple bits of advice and creating a proper regimen will take you into a much more pleasant shaving experience. You’ll be taking care of your face and looking better for it!