Monday, March 22, 2010
Anti-Ageing - Skin Maintenance Routine Through The Ages
Everyone wants to look young and fit for as long as possible-if not indefinitely (!); but, some of us work harder at it! Hitting the gym and eating smart are the obvious places to begin: few of us follow up with skincare and sun-sense. Let’s take a brief look at three pivotal stages in the time-line of ageing.
In our Twenties, not only do we think and act like we’re indestructible-we ‘seem’ to defy time, partying and sun worship. Our skin bounces back from pretty much everything we do to it, because we’re still producing plenty of natural collogen, elastin and other goodies that give the glow of youth. A prudent approach to ever youthful looks is to begin a simple regime NOW. Opt for a mild cleanser with an exfoliating ‘acid’ component (remember: you’re skin naturally resides slightly on the acidic side of the Ph scale; so, don’t be scared by the word ‘acid’). Religiously moisturize with a light, non-comedogenic product and ALWAYS cover up any exposed skin with sunscreen…always. Ageing is all about genetics, sun exposure, diet , exercise and rest. We can only ‘manage’ the genetics issue, but we have big-time control over the other factors! Do this now, and you’ll extend the years you get carded, when you order that anti-oxidant rich glass of red wine at dinner.
Those of us who basked a little too wantonly in the golden rays by the beach will begin to pay the price in our Thirties. The fine lines become evident around the eyes, age spots may appear, accompanied by broken capillaries, and our once smooth skin becomes more textured. We’re into ‘Damage Control’ now. Our cleanser needs to become more gentle and moisturizing. lightweight , specially formulated eyecream combats crow’s feet, night cream with vitamins helps with texture and firming, and a weekly exfoliating ritual evens the palette, reduces fine line depth and shows off our healthiest skin layer. It’s all about drawing a ‘line’ and holding your looks from crossing over it.
We hit our Forties, and here’s where our efforts show their worth-if we’ve been “keeping up appearances.” (Either that, or we hit the ‘panic button’ full on!) There’s no denying it: we see lines, age spots and a little tug of gravity here and there. We find religion in faithfully cleansing, moisturizing, exfoliating and protecting from the sun. The night cream is never skipped, the gym is a regular date and we supplement with vitamins and a conscientious diet. Don’t forget the water: hydrate!
What you should grasp is that, while the earlier stages of ageing seem to require less effort, it’s about building good habits and sticking to a skin maintainence routine-based on your skin type (oily, dry, et al..) Control the things you can. Start now, no matter where you are in the journey. Like any other muscle or part, your skin needs you to take charge…
Grab it by the horns!