About UrbanStag.com

UrbanStag.com is an e-retailer of premium men's skincare products. With more awareness today for guys to maintain a healthy and youthful appearance our goal is to educate male consumers on proper skin care. UrbanStag.com will help identify skin type, then point out the right direction of product use; finally, simplify a regimen that delivers results, using the best products specifically designed for men.

In addition to helping you look your best through proper skincare and grooming we are going to offer advice on: health, nutrition, fitness and fashion. This is a blog for men who want to look their best to stay in the game.


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Just Life - Bruce Weber's New Edition of his All-American Series

Be on the look out for Bruce Weber's - Just Life. The book is a combination of essays and photography of soldiers recovering from their war injuries.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Antioxidants and Chocolate Help Fight Aging

Antioxidants help to reduce damage to collagen and chocolate that is 70% or higher in cocoa protect the skin from aging with the help flavonoids found in chocolate. That's good news to me since I'm a chocoholic. Slow down the aging process by using skin care and grooming products that contain antioxidants and eat chocolate.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Don't Forget The Last Step of Shaving

Close the pores back up! Once you are done shaving wash you face with gentle daily cleanser and rinse with very cold water. By rinsing your face with very cold water you help to heal the pores and close them up.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Gift Idea For The Guy Who Like To Cook

The Meatball Shop Cookbook written and co-authored by the two guys who have successfully run 3 locations of the famous Meatball Shop restaurant in NYC and Brooklyn. The cookbook contains over 20 meatball recipes, as well as sauces, sides, desserts and more. Who doesn't love meatballs.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Starbucks - Create Jobs for USA

Be sure to visit www.createjobsforUSA.org and support the cause to create jobs across America.